U.N. Abbreviations - C

Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-

Where used: UNNY-UN New York OC-Origin Cachet Language: Eng.-English Gr.-German
UNG-UN Geneva BC-Bar Code Fr.-French Sp.-Spanish
CC-Corner Card RM-Receiving Mark It.-Italian Por.-Portugese
DM-Dispatching Mark UNV-UN Vienna Sw.-Swedish
LON-League of Nations FF-Free Frank
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc.

Abbreviation Where Used Language Meaning Image
CALON OC. Fr. Accounting Commissioners 
CAERITU CON Fr. Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference (1951) 
CAFACICAO OC Fr. African Civil Aviation Commission 
CAMR-92ITU CON Sp. World Administrative Radio Conference (1992) 
CAPMEILO OC Fr. Cell for Support of the Promotion of Small & Medium-sized Enterprises 
CAREREUN CC Eng. Cambodian Area Rehabilitation & Regeneration Project 
CARNEIDUNESCO CON Eng. Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development 
CASBIAUNG OC Fr. Cooperative Association for Automobiles & Motorcycles of Secretariats & Bureaus of International Organizations and Accredited Institutions 
C.A.T.ICAO OC Eng. Civil Aviation Training 
CATCICAO OC Eng. Civil Aviation Training Center (Indonesia) 
CAUNUN OC Eng. Chinese Association for the UN (Taiwan) 
CBD/UNEPUNEP OC Eng. Convention on Biological Diversity/United Nations Environment Programme ( 1992-date) 
CCAQUNG OC Eng. Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions 
CCDUNEP Eng. Convention to Combat Desertification (1993-date) 
CCEPUPU CON Fr. Consultative Council on Postal Studies 
C/CH.LON OC Fr. Council Committee for China 
CCIUNCTAD CC Fr. International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/GATT) 
CCI-IVWMO CON  Commission on Climatology 
CCIFITU CON Fr. International Telephone Consultative Committee 
CCIRITU CON Fr. International Radio Consultative Committee 
CCITITU OC Fr. International Telegraph Consultative Committee 
 ITU CON Fr. International Telegraph Consultative Committee 
CCITTITU CON Fr. International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee 
CCOP/SOPACESCAP OC Eng. Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas (ESCAP) 
CCPOQUNG OC Eng. Consultative Committee on Programme and Operational Questions 
CCPSUPU Eng. Consultative Council on Postal Studies 
CCSQ (OPS)UNG OC Eng. Consultative Committee on Social Questions, Office of Personnel Services 
CCTAFAO CON  Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara (OAU) 
CCUNMEEUN Eng. Canadian Contingent, UN Mission in Eritrea & Ethiopia (2000- ) 
C.d.D.ILO OC Fr. Chef de Division (Division Chief) 
CD/DSIMO DM Eng. Documents Section, ? 
CEAIAEA CON Fr. French Atomic Energy Commission 
 UN OC Fr. Economic Commission for Africa 
CEANSICAO CON Eng. Conference on the Economics of Airports & Air Navigation Services 
CELADEUN CC Sp. Latin American Demographic Center 
CENTR.LON OC Fr. Central Section 
CEPALECLA OC Sp. Economic Commission for Latin America (and the Caribbean) 
 ECLA CON Sp. Economic Commission for Latin America (and the Caribbean) 
CEPBUNIDO CC Sp. Confederation of Private Businessmen of Bolivia 
CERITU CON Fr. European Radio Conference 
CESIUNG OC Eng. Centre for Economic and Social Information 
 UNNY OC Eng. Centre for Economic and Social Information 
CGCSUNEP OC Eng. Conferences and Governing Council Service 
C.&GS.WHO OC Eng. Conference and General Services 
CHDUN CC Eng. Chad 
CHIUN CC Eng. Chile 
C.I.LON OC Fr. Internal Control Service 
CIARA IIUN CON Fr. 2nd International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa 
CICFr. International Conference Centre, Geneva 
 UNG OC Fr. International Computing Centre 
CIEPSUNESCO CON Sp. Integrated Centers of Public Educastion 
C.I.J.ICJ OC Fr. International Court of Justice 
CILSSUNDP/WMO CC Fr. Inter-State Standing Committee Against Desertification in the Sahel (West Africa) 
CIMEUNG OC Fr. Intergovernmental Committee for European Migrations 
CIN/FCCCUN Fr. Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change 
CINTERFORILO Sp. Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training, Montevideo, Uruguay 
CIOMSWHO OC Fr. Council of International Medical Science Organizations 
CIRAFITU CON It. International Conference on High Frequency Radio (1950) 
CIRCWHO CC Fr. International Agency for Research on Cancer 
C.I.S.ILO OC Fr. International Occupational Safety and Health Information Center 
CITESUN Eng. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 
CIVPOLUN Eng. UN Civilian Police 
CLMUN Port. Center for Agriculture and the Environment 
CMRICAO OC Eng. Cameroon 
 ILO OC Eng. Cameroon 
CMSUN Eng. Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (1979-date) 
CMSMUN BC Eng. Commercial Management Service, Marketing Section 
CNRRAUNRRA OC Eng. Chinese National Relief & Rehabilitation Administration 
CNUCEDUNCTAD CON Fr. UN Conference on Trade and Development 
COBUN OC Eng Congo-Brazzaville 
COBI.LON OC Fr. Intellectual Cooperation Section & International Bureau 
COIFAO OC Eng Comores 
COLICAO OC Eng. Colombia 
COL/D/SRUNESCO OC Eng. Bureau of Conferences, Languages & Documents/Documents Div/Summary Records 
COMPT.LON OC Fr. Accounting Service 
CONAPOUN CON Sp. National Population Council of Mexico 
CONF.UNG OC Fr. Conference 
CONF.1UNG OC Fr. Conference 1 
CONF.2UNG OC Fr. Conference 2 
CONF.3UNG OC Fr. Conference 3 
CONF.4UNG OC Fr. Conference 4 
CONF.5UNG OC Fr. Conference 5 
CONF.6UNG OC Fr. Conference 6 
CONF.7UNG OC Fr. Conference 7 
CONF.8UNG OC Fr. Conference 8 
CONF.9UNG OC Fr. Conference 9 
CONF.10UNG OC Fr. Conference 10 
CONF.11UNG OC Fr. Conference 11 
CONF.12UNG OC Fr. Conference 12 
CONF.16UNG OC Fr. Conference 16 
Conf. Div.UNG OC Eng. Conference Division 
CONMAT.LON OC Fr. Contracts and Material Service 
 UNG OC Fr. Contracts and Material Service 
COORD.UNG OC Eng./Fr. Coordination Section 
COPUNEP Eng. Conference of the Parties (Environmental Conventions) 
COP6UN Eng. Sixth Session of the Convention of the Parties to UNCCD 
COP15UN Eng 15th Session of the UN Climate Change Convention 
C&OSWHO OC Eng. Conference and Organization Services 
COU/MUNESCO OC Fr. UNESCO Courier (Journal)/Marketing Unit 
C.P.J.I.PCIJ OC Fr. Permanent Court of International Justice 
CPRICAO OC Eng. China Peoples Republic 
CPUUPU CON Sp. Postal Union Congress (Buenos Aires-1939) 
CPXUNESCO OC Eng. Cooperation for Development & External Relations Sector 
CRICUN Eng. Convention for Review of UNCCD 
CSDHAUN BC Eng. Centre for Social Development & Humanitarian Affairs 
CTCUNNY OC Eng. Centre on Transnational Corporations 
CTPITU CON Fr. Technical Plan Commission 
 UNCHS OC Fr. Principal Technical Counsellor 
CYTRAUPU CON Sp. Post and Telegraph - Republic of Argentina 

*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14