Members Only Auction - Special Auction 10

The Auction is closed but UNPI members can buy items that did not sell for 60% of the minimum bid! Available items have the Buy Price in red and a 'Buy It' box.

Item # Minimum
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The Chagall Window Exhibit (see exhibit at
This outstanding exhibit is being offered in its entirety, and by Individual Frame. If the winning bid on the entire exhibit exceeds the individual frame winning bids, then it takes precedence.
1. Frame 1. Includes imperforate #179 SS, unique essay, transparencies & photographic model. Also unique artist's model of proposed 5c issue & unique unissued 5c SS, MB $925
(Link to exhibit pages: EXHIBIT)
$925.00 Withdrawn -  -
2. Frame 2. 34 SS's with flaws, variations, and color shifts, MB $160
(Link to exhibit pages: EXHIBIT)
$160.00 Withdrawn -  -
3. Frame 3, 33 SS's with flaws & variations, including Missing Blue color, MB $490
(Link to exhibit pages: EXHIBIT)
$490.00 Withdrawn -  -
4. Frame 4, 29 SS's with perforation variations & shifts, margin shifts, no lower margin, perforation miscut in margin, fold-over with cut-out, etc., MB $600
(Link to exhibit pages: EXHIBIT)
$600.00 Withdrawn -  -
5. Frame 5, 16 FDC's, including flown to Paris, 7 wrong dates, 5 SS's used and CTO, 4 Commercial covers with SS or SS pieces, MB $80
(Link to exhibit pages: EXHIBIT)
$80.00 Withdrawn -  -
6. Frame 6, 2 Commercial covers, 4 unique transparencies or essay of 5c design, Imperf plate proof emblem block of 4 of single stamp design, Block of 25 of 6c stamp with imperf lower margin pair, etc., MB $680
(Link to exhibit pages: EXHIBIT)
$680.00 Withdrawn -  -
7. Frame 7, UNPA bulletins, leaflets, order forms, postal card announcements of delays, photographic essays of souvenir folder, mis-registration of souvenir folder, etc., MB $60
(Link to exhibit pages: EXHIBIT)
$60.00 Withdrawn -  -
8. Entire exhibit, All 7 Frames, MB $2995$2995.00 $2995.00 -  -
Chagall Miscellaneous Min Bid Winning
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9. Large envelope with "leftovers", 22 mint SS's, some with ink impressions in margin, color misprinting, double black lines on moon, dot variety, black shifts, light & dark color, double glazing, partial sheet of 6c with claimed varieties, 3 FDC's of SS, and one FDC of 6c stamp, Eight 8"x10" photos of Chagall & SS. MB $40$40.00 $40.00 -  -
10. Commercial cover with one stamp from SS, SS with doctor blade mark on gum side, 8 used SS, MI-4 of 6c stamp with broken date in MI, MB $15$15.00 $15.00 -  -
11. (Donation Lot) 5 Commercial covers and one piece, one with complete SS, others with various SS pieces, MB $8$8.00 $7.20 -  -
Miscellaneous Min Bid Winning
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12. Three International Reply Post Cards-both halves, mailed from UN & returned from Vienna & San Diego with Austrian & US postmarks on UN stamps (Proper usage), MB $12$12.00 $12.00 -  -
13. Nine International Reply Post Cards-both halves, mailed to UN from Denmark, US, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Albania & Mexico, & returned with UN postmark on stamps from that country (Proper usage), MB $15$15.00 $15.00 -  -
14. Eight 1955 to 1964 Geneva "UN Blue Card" forerunners, with various UN Geneva postmarks, and Swiss, Swiss UN agency and UN NY stamps, very nice, MB $12$12.00 $13.00 -  -
15. Forty covers from Operation Deep Freeze, Antarctica, 1956-65, all franked with UNNY stamps & postmarked from Stations and Ships, most are cacheted, MB $25$25.00 $27.00 -  -
16. Set of 14 MJK UN Souvenir Cards, all picturing UN stamps in color. Beautiful, MB $5$5.00 $4.50 -  -
Essays, Proofs, and Varieties Min Bid Winning
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17. UN General Assembly, Paris 1948, France #605-6, Imperforate plate proofs, MB $30$30.00 $38.00 - Image 1
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18. UNNY #15, 3c Refugees, Strip of 5 with 2 MI's from miscut sheet, full gutter perfs at top, part of MI missing at bottom, VF NH, MB $20$20.00 $20.00 - Image 1
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19. UNNY #17, 3c UPU, printer's waste, imperforate single with margin on pink paper, banknote on back, MB $65$65.00 $65.00 - Image 1
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20. UNNY #17, 3c UPU, printer's waste, imperforate MI Bk-6 on buff paper (part of bottom 2 stamps is cut off), banknote on back, MB $150$150.00 $135.00 - Image 1
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21. UNNY #18, 5c UPU, Corner pair with 1A, full gutter perforations, VF NH, MB $20$20.00 $30.00 - Image 1
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22. UNNY #55-6, Security Council, Die Proofs on De La Rue cards with UNPA approval stamp & signature, MB $350$350.00 $260.00 - Image 1
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23. UNNY #60 (b), IAEA, MNH single with 8mm perforation shift, MB $20$20.00 $28.00 - Image 1
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24. UNNY #77, Palais de Chaillot, photo-graphic essay of un-accepted design, MB $25$25.00 $25.00 - Image 1
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25. UNNY #133, Nuclear Test Ban, MI Bk-4, MNH VF, plate flaw, lower left frame cut at 45 deg angle (one stamp), MB $2$2.00 $2.00 - Image 1
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26. UNNY #133(a), Nuclear Test Ban, margin single, Printer's proof in lilac, MB $150$150.00 $150.00 - Image 1
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27. UNNY #234, 8c Disarmament, Progressive Color Proof, imperforate pair with margin inscription, MB $55$55.00 $49.50 - Image 1
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28. UNNY #235, 15c Disarmament, Progressive Color Proof, imperforate pair with margin, MB $75$75.00 $75.00 - Image 1
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29. Geneva #31, 1.10 Fs Disarmament, Progressive Color Proof, imperforate single with margin inscription, MB $30$30.00 $30.00 - Image 1
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UN-Related Slogans on Commercial Meters Min Bid Winning
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30. "Back the UNO and Help PEACE GROW' on green 1949 St. Paul, MN meter, cut square, MB $5$5.00 $5.00 - Image 1
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31. "Come to the UNITED NATIONS" on violet NY, NY 1966-era undated meter, UNA USA corner card #10 cover, MB $4$4.00 $3.60 - Image 1
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32. "October 24-UN Building-UNITED NATIONS DAY" on red Washington, DC 1959 meter, US Committee for the UN corner card #10 cover, MB $5$5.00 $5.00 - Image 1
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33. "UN Emblem-peace justice and progress 1945-1970 United Nations Twenty-fifth Anniversary" on red NY, NY 1970 meter, Chemical Bank CC #10 cover, MB $4$4.00 $3.60 - Image 1
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34. "Publishers of UNESCO World Art Series" on red Greenwich, Conn. 1958 meter tape, MB $4$4.00 $3.20 - Image 1
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35. "Save a child-Save the Future Give to the CRUSADE for CHILDREN �United Nations Appeal for Children" on red NY, NY 1948 meter, American Overseas Aid and UNAC corner card #10 cover (front only), MB $10$10.00 $17.00 - Image 1
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36. "Support AAUN and the UN" on red NY,NY 1956 meter, AAUN CC #10 cover, MB $4$4.00 $3.60 - Image 1
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37. "One for All-All-for One-Great Cause United Nations Week" on blue NY, NY 1943 meter, Executive Offices, Loew Building CC, on piece, RARE, MB $20$20.00 $20.00 - Image 1
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38. "One for All-All-for One-Great Cause United Nations Week" on violet NY, NY 1943 meter, The Press Agent's Corner CC, on piece, RARE, MB $20$20.00 $20.00 - Image 1
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39. "SUPPORT the united nations-UN emblem" on blue NY, NY 1955 meter, IBM CC #10 cover, MB $4$4.00 $3.60 - Image 1
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40. Seven different UN-related slogan meters, 1959-1975, one meter tape and 6 small unaddressed philatelic covers, MB $5$5.00 $4.50 - Image 1
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41. "World Peace City" on red San Francisco, CA May 7,1945 meter, D.N.& E. Walter & Co. CC, on piece, MB $20$20.00 $20.00 - Image 1
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UN Delegation Covers, #10 or Smaller Min Bid Winning
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42. Covers from 28 different delegations to UNNY, 1960's, MB $20$20.00 $20.00 - Image 1
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43. Covers from 24 different delegations to UNNY, 1970's, MB $12$12.00 $9.60 - Image 1
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44. Covers from 16 different delegations to UNNY, 1980's, MB $5$5.00 $4.00 - Image 1
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45. Covers from 11 different delegations to UN Geneva, 1965-1985, MB $5$5.00 $4.00 - Image 1
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WHO Forerunner Covers Min Bid Winning
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46. Small cover to Belgium with CC of 1903 "Primer Congres d'Higiene de Catalunya", Spanish stamp and postmark, MB $10$10.00 $19.00 - Image 1
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47. Small cover to US with CC of "VI Conference International de Psychotechnique, Barcelone, 1929", MB $5$5.00 $11.00 - Image 1
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48. Small cover from Tuberculosis Conference (special cancel), Lausanne, 1924, MB $6$6.00 $12.00 - Image 1
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49. Small mailed cover with slogan cancel "International Hygiene Ausstellung, Dresden, 1930", MB $8$8.00 $16.00 - Image 1
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Donations to UNP (#50-53)-All procceds go to UNP to support UNP Monograms, etc. Min Bid Winning
Buy Price Images Your Bid
50. 61 small covers, mostly UNNY, some UNG, cachet FDC, meter FD's, slogan FD's, 1960-1979, MB $10$10.00 $10.00 -  -
51. 9 UN VF Mint SS's -1986 WFUNA, 1988 HR, 1990 45th Anniversary, MB $5$5.00 $6.00 -  -
52. 16 UN VF Mint SS's - 1996 Sports,1997 Earth Summit, 1999 Memoriam, 2000 55th Anniv., & Refugees, MB $10$10.00 $11.00 -  -
53. 9 UN VF Mint SS's � 2001 50 yr UNPA, 2002 AIDS & 2003 Indigenous Art, MB $5$5.00 $6.00 -  -

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