UNPI Project - UN Conference Post Cards
International Telecommunications Union
13th ITU Plenitentiary Conference, Nice, France, May 23 - June 29, 1989
Commercial Post Cards
French stamp honoring Conference
Stamp cancelled with Special FD Cancel, Nice, May 23, 1989
Back of card, Editions CEF, 2, Rue de l'Hotel-des-Postes, Nice
Conference Building
Stamp cancelled with Special FD Cancel, Nice, May 23, 1989
Back of card, Empire Philatelique-Paris
Americas TELECOM 96, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, June 10-15, 1996
Official Post Card
Rio de Janiero skyline
Back of card, Printed Port Paye Geneva, Mailed to Israel
13th ITU Plenitentiary Conference, Nice, France, May 23 - June 29, 1989
Commercial Post Cards

French stamp honoring Conference
Stamp cancelled with Special FD Cancel, Nice, May 23, 1989

Back of card, Editions CEF, 2, Rue de l'Hotel-des-Postes, Nice

Conference Building
Stamp cancelled with Special FD Cancel, Nice, May 23, 1989

Back of card, Empire Philatelique-Paris
Americas TELECOM 96, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, June 10-15, 1996
Official Post Card

Rio de Janiero skyline

Back of card, Printed Port Paye Geneva, Mailed to Israel