| Title | Swiss Official Stamps for the International Refugee Organization, 1950-1952 | Exhibitor | Tony Dewey | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | This one-frame exhibit takes the traditional approach to present the eight stamps issued by the Swiss Post, Telephone and Telegraph (P.T.T.) for the International Refugee Organization (IRO), an agency of the United Nations (UN). The stamps, overprinted Swiss regular stamps, were issued February 1, 1950. Postal validity for the set ended just two years later on January 31, 1952. | Highest Award | Large Gold (93 Points), 1 Frame Reserve Grand, APS Medal of Excellence (1940-80) |

| Title | United Nations Origins 1938-1942, Roosevelt and Churchill Mold a New World Peace Organization | Exhibitor | Fran Adams | Frames(Pages) | 8(96) | Description | This thematic exhibit focuses on world events and the actions of President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill which influenced the Allied nations' plans for establishment of a new international peace organization to replace the League of Nations | Highest Award | Large Gold, with ATA First and the Epilogue Special Awards. |

| Title | Atlantic Meeting - 1941 | Exhibitor | Fran Adams | Frames(Pages) | 6(72) | Description | This exhibit focuses on world events and the actions of President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill to define war aims and influence the Allied nations' plans for establishment of a new international peace organization to replace a failing League of Nations |

| Title | United Nations Aerogrammes 1952-1982 | Exhibitor | Larry Davidson | Frames(Pages) | 4(64) | Description | This postal stationery exhibit features the aerogrammes issued by United Nations offices in New York, Geneva and Austria for the period 1952-1982 |

| Title | United Nations Postal Cards 1952-1982 | Exhibitor | Larry Davidson | Frames(Pages) | 5(80) | Description | This postal stationery exhibit features the postal cards issued by United Nations offices in New York, Geneva and Austria for the period 1952-1982 | Highest Award | Large Gold |

| Title | The French United Nations 'General Assembly' Issues of 1951 | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 1(16) | Description | This is a traditional exhibit presenting the stamps issued by the French Government to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly meeting of 1951 at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, France | Highest Award | Large Gold | | Grand Award |

| Title | United Nations Conferences and Meetings, 1945-1995 | Exhibitor | Blanton Clement, Jr. | Frames(Pages) | 10(120) | Description | The United Nations was founded at San Fransisco, CA in 1945. Over its first 50 years, from 1945 through 1995, the UN was a vital force in helping to organize the nations of the world to try to bring Peace, Justice and Security to its people. | Highest Award | Gold |

| Title | United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, California, April 25 to June 26, 1945 | Exhibitor | Blanton Clement, Jr. | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | As World War II was ending, the Allied Nations met with the objective to creating a new World Organization, replacing the old League of Nations. The planned organization, the United Nations, would have its goal improved Peace, Justice, and Security for the World. The Conference was attended by 49 nations. | Highest Award | Gold |

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| Title | The Postal History Of The League Of Nations And International Labor Organization | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 6(72) | Description | The following exhibit presents a study of service mail of the League of Nations (League, SdN, or LoN) and International Labor Organization (BIT or ILO). The subject was chosen for its historical significance as well as difficulty in material acquisition. Although many 20th century Swiss postal rates and usages are common, finding actual usages on service mail of these international organizations can be a challenge. |

| Title | U.N. Forerunner Metered Mail 1945-1951 | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | This traditional style exhibit focuses on the United Nations (U.N.) meter machines used by the international organization prior to the issuance of its own postage stamps in 1951. This pre-stamp period, from June 1945 thru opening of the U. N. Postal Administration in October 1951, is commonly referred to as the U.N. forerunner period. |

| Title | League of Nations Marcophily - International Conferences and Meetings | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | This is a Postal History Study of the various special cancellation types used by the League of Nations (League) on official service mail and presentation items during special international conferences sponsored by or related to the League, as well as, League Council meeting outside of Geneva, Switzerland. |

| Title | The League of Nations - The War Years | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 5(60) | Description | This postal history exhibit is a study of the changes to the postal systems used for League of Nations mail as a result of significant world events just prior to, during, and directly following World War II. Topics including development of and alterations to postal routes, impact on postal rates for various forms of mail service such as surface and airmail, and a study of postal markings including censorship and service interruptions due to the war. |

| Title | The World's Capital - The United Nations Headquarters | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 5(10) | Description | This Display Class exhibit is a historical study of the development of the United Nations (UN) Headquarters. From the struggles of the fledgling organization at temporary sites to the agreement for a permanent headquarters on Manhattan's East Side, the exhibit takes us on a unique journey into the events that created the UN as we know it today. |

| Title | UN Trade Conference in Havana, 1947-48 | Exhibitor | Blanton Clement, Jr. | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | This early conference of the United Nations had the key objective of expanding international production, trade and consumption of goods. The expected result from the Conference was to establish an International Trade Organization. The Conference was attended by representatives of 56 governments. | Highest Award | Gold |

| Title | League of Nations Marcophily | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | This is a Postal History Study of the various cancellation types used by the League of Nations (League) on official service mail during its existence in Geneve, Switzerland from 1920 - 1947. | Highest Award | Vermeil |

| Title | The League of Nations and the Refugee Problem | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | This is a display class exhibit on the League of Nations and its role in supporting efforts to aid refugees following World War One and the residual hostilities that affected millions in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. | Highest Award | Gold |

| Title | The United Nations First Issue 1 cent Stamp and Its First Day - Solo Use | Exhibitor | Tony Dewey | Frames(Pages) | 1(16) | Description | This is a 1-frame 'Traditional' First Day exhibit of the 1 cent stamps of the first issue of the United Nations - with a twist. Only solo usages of the stamp, on First Day covers, or on commercial mail, will be shown. | Highest Award | Gold, UNPI President's Award, Single Frame Grand, Curtis B. Patterson Award |

| Title | Toward United Nations | Exhibitor | Fran Adams | Frames(Pages) | 1(16) | Description | The Five Cent Commemorative Issue Of 1945 | Highest Award | Gold, Single Frame Reserve Grand |

| Title | The Charter of the United Nations | Exhibitor | Fran Adams | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | A Document for World Peace - San Francisco, 1945 | Highest Award | Gold, UNPI Gold, Grand (NTSS 2009), ATA Single Frame Merit |

| Title | Art Craft's 1962 Anti-Malaria Campaign Cachets | Exhibitor | Larry Fillion | Frames(Pages) | 4(64) | Description | This exhibit shows the three Art Craft cachets produced for the W.H.O.'s 1962 Anti-Malaria campaign. Shown in a traditional manner, the pre-production material will be shown first, then followed by EFOs, EKUs of the cachets, and then uses of the cachets in the order that the covers were serviced. | Highest Award | Gold | | American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors Creativity Award |

| Title | The Chagall Window - A Study Of The Issue | Exhibitor | Jack Mayer | Frames(Pages) | 7(84) | Description | The exhibit includes all phases of the development, production and distribution of this commemerative postal issue. | Highest Award | Gold, Court Of Honor |

| Title | First United Nations Issue - 1951 | Exhibitor | Tony Dewey | Frames(Pages) | 10(160) | Description | On March 28, 1951, an agreement between the United States of America and the United Nations was signed establishing the United Nations Postal Administration, the first and only postal service operated by an international organization. Postage issued by the UNPA would be valid only from the UN headquarters in New York and subject to the rules and regulations of the United States Post Office Department. | Highest Award | Gold,Grand Award (ARIPEX 2005),UNPI President's Award,American Philatelic Congress Award | | Grand Award | | American Philatelic Society 1940-1980 Medal of Excellence |

| Title | Service of Intellectual Aid to Prisoners of War | Exhibitor | Tony Dewey | Frames(Pages) | 1(16) | Description | During WWII, in accordance with Article 39 of the Geneva Convention of 1929, the International Education Bureau (Bureau International D'Education) created the Service of Intellectual Aid to Prisoners of War that provided books and other educational materials to prisoners of war and internees. The I.E.B. Service also conducted "universities" at some camps. By the end of the war, over a half million books had been distributed. | Highest Award | Platinum (97) |

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| Title | SWISS Official Stamps for the UNEO and International Agencies | Exhibitor | Tony Dewey | Frames(Pages) | 8(128) | Description | The Swiss PTT provided some of its issues, overprinted, to be used as official service stamps by the United Nations and some of its special offices in Switzerland. This continued a service provided for the League of Nations. Starting with the October 24, 1955 | Highest Award | Gold, UNPI President's Award, American Philatelic Congress Award | | American Philatelic Society 1900-1940 Medal of Excellence |

| Title | Toward A United Europe | Exhibitor | Colonel Steve Luster | Frames(Pages) | 10(160) | Description | European unity in the twentieth century, as seen through the significant people, ideas, events, organizations, and activities that contributed to the concept - with emphasis on post-Word War Two European reconstruction and the events that followed, from the creation of the European Communities to the Euro. |

| Title | The United Nations Precancel, 1952-1958 | Exhibitor | Tony Dewey | Frames(Pages) | 5(60) | Description | The only service stamp issued by the United Nations was created by overprinting the 1 1/2 cent stamp of the First Issue. It was used to frank third-class bulk rate mailings promoting various U.N. publications from September 1952 until the rate changed on January 1, 1959 | Highest Award | Gold,Reserve Grand Award (PNSE 2006),UNPI President's Award | | Reserve Grand Award | | American Philatelic Society 1940-1980 Medal of Excellence |

| Title | United Nations Paris General Assemblies | Exhibitor | Jack Mayer | Frames(Pages) | 1(12) | Description | This exhibit documents the postal facilities used by conference participants as well as the people and events of these meetings. |

| Title | United Nations Information Office | Exhibitor | Jack Mayer | Frames(Pages) | 2(17) | Description | Covers featured in this exhibit originated from informational offices of governments paticipating in the formation of the UNIO. Such publicity office mail was usually franked by leased postage meter machines and printed corner cards verify meter device users. Although sixteen nations were members of the UNIO, mail is recorded from only eight and all eight are represented in this exhibit. |

| Title | United Nations European Office | Exhibitor | Jack Mayer | Frames(Pages) | 2(17) | Description | This exhibit documents the postal transition from the League of Nations to the United Nations European Office. Covers with corner cards (stationary) featured in this exhibit are official mail of the respective organizations and originated from offices within the Palais des Nations. |

| Title | United Nations London | Exhibitor | Jack Mayer | Frames(Pages) | 2(14) | Description | This exhibit documents the activities and people participating in these founding conferences in London. |

| Title | Conference On International Organization | Exhibitor | Jack Mayer | Frames(Pages) | 2(19) | Description | This exhibit documents conference events and participants. Some mail is franked by leased postage meter machines and corner cards verify device users. |

| Title | United Nations Postal History - The Forerunner Period (1942-1951) | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 5(60) | Description | The purpose of UN posatl history collecting is to document, through postal evidence, development of the UN's organizations and agencies, and the temporary sites they occupied before completion of UN Headquarters in 1952. In addition, the early UN period contains a wide variety of meters, cancels, postal markings and indicia, which makes this collecting area extremely interesting and challenging. | Highest Award | Gold | | Reserve Grand Award |

| Title | History of the League of Nations | Exhibitor | Greg Galletti | Frames(Pages) | 5(60) | Description | This exhibit provides a history lesson on the league of Nations, the first truly international civil service organization dedicated to preserving peace and fostering universal co-operation among nations. | Highest Award | Gold, UNPI Gold, American Philatelic Congress Award |

| Title | UN Conferences and Meetings | Exhibitor | Blanton Clement | Frames(Pages) | 5(80) | Description | Postal history of United Nations conferences and meetings over the last fifty years. |