Welcome to the United Nations Philatelists Inc.

The United Nations Philatelists, Inc. is an organization of philatelists devoted to the collection, study and exhibition of the issues of the United Nations Postal Administration, the postal history of the United Nations, the issues and postal history of its branches, specialized agencies and forerunners, as well as the world-wide topical issues that call attention to the United Nations, its agencies and programs.

In support of these activities UNPI issues a bi-monthly journal "The Journal of United Nations Philatelists", which is typically twenty-four pages long and keeps members informed about United Nations philately, including club activities and meetings, on-going research in and new items of philatelic interest to United Nations Philatelists.

The Journal - Table of Contents for the current issue:
Volume 48, Number 4, August 2024, Whole Number 281
Article Title
President's Message1
UNP Election1
UNPA Program of Issues 20242
UNPA International Moon Day 20243
UNPA World Heritage, Republic of Korea7
UNCIO 1945 Cinderellas & Post Cards By B. Clement, Jr.8
Universal Peace Congresses, Addendum 3 By B. Clement, Jr.12
Election of Hammarskjold at SG, 1953 By B. Clement, Jr.13
World Health Assemblies Held Away from Geneva By B. Clement, Jr.15
UNESCO Seminar, Prague, 1948 By B. Clement, Jr.18
UNESCO Symposium, Zagreb, 1972 By B. Clement, Jr.20
UNESCO Symposium, Zamosc, 1997 By B. Clement, Jr.21
Luxembourg Flag FDC Cachet Question By. Curtis Gidding22
UNP Special Auction #76 Report22
UNPI Special Auction #7823
Cover Illustrations
2024 International Moon Day, New YorkFront cover
2024 International Moon Day, Geneva and ViennaRear cover