UNPI Project - UN Conference Post Cards
UN1 | UN2 | UN3 |
United Nations
First UN International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, August 8-20, 1955
First International Exhibition on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzrland, August 8-20, 1955
Legraveur Post Cards
Albert Einstein, Palais des Nations
Back of card, Conference postmark, August 20, 1955
Albert Einstein, Palais des Nations
Back of card, Exposition postmark, August 20, 1955
General Dynamics Post Cards
Atom, Airplane
Back of Card, Conference postmark, August 17, 1955
Tower topped by Atom (from Poster by Erik Nitsche)
Back of card ("Atoms for Peace" was theme of Conference and Exposition)
Union Carbide Post Card
Initial Test of Pool Type Reactor, Oak Ridge National Lab
Back of card, Conference postmark, August 17, 1955
International Symposium on Human Rights, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 31 - September 12, 1959
Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Ciudad da Buenos Aires
Back of card, UN Day Postmark, October 24, 1959
First UN International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, August 8-20, 1955
First International Exhibition on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzrland, August 8-20, 1955
Legraveur Post Cards

Albert Einstein, Palais des Nations

Back of card, Conference postmark, August 20, 1955

Albert Einstein, Palais des Nations

Back of card, Exposition postmark, August 20, 1955
General Dynamics Post Cards

Atom, Airplane

Back of Card, Conference postmark, August 17, 1955

Tower topped by Atom (from Poster by Erik Nitsche)

Back of card ("Atoms for Peace" was theme of Conference and Exposition)
Union Carbide Post Card

Initial Test of Pool Type Reactor, Oak Ridge National Lab

Back of card, Conference postmark, August 17, 1955
International Symposium on Human Rights, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 31 - September 12, 1959

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Ciudad da Buenos Aires

Back of card, UN Day Postmark, October 24, 1959