U.N. Abbreviations - C
Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-
Where used: | UNNY-UN New York | OC-Origin Cachet | Language: | Eng.-English | Gr.-German |
UNG-UN Geneva | BC-Bar Code | Fr.-French | Sp.-Spanish | ||
CC-Corner Card | RM-Receiving Mark | It.-Italian | Por.-Portugese | ||
DM-Dispatching Mark | UNV-UN Vienna | Sw.-Swedish | |||
LON-League of Nations | FF-Free Frank | ||||
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc. |
Abbreviation | Where Used | Language | Meaning | Image |
CA | LON OC. | Fr. | Accounting Commissioners | |
CAER | ITU CON | Fr. | Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference (1951) | |
CAFAC | ICAO OC | Fr. | African Civil Aviation Commission | |
CAMR-92 | ITU CON | Sp. | World Administrative Radio Conference (1992) | |
CAPME | ILO OC | Fr. | Cell for Support of the Promotion of Small & Medium-sized Enterprises | |
CARERE | UN CC | Eng. | Cambodian Area Rehabilitation & Regeneration Project | |
CARNEID | UNESCO CON | Eng. | Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development | |
CASBIA | UNG OC | Fr. | Cooperative Association for Automobiles & Motorcycles of Secretariats & Bureaus of International Organizations and Accredited Institutions | |
C.A.T. | ICAO OC | Eng. | Civil Aviation Training | |
CATC | ICAO OC | Eng. | Civil Aviation Training Center (Indonesia) | |
CAUN | UN OC | Eng. | Chinese Association for the UN (Taiwan) | |
CBD/UNEP | UNEP OC | Eng. | Convention on Biological Diversity/United Nations Environment Programme ( 1992-date) | |
CCAQ | UNG OC | Eng. | Consultative Committee on Administrative Questions | |
CCD | UNEP | Eng. | Convention to Combat Desertification (1993-date) | |
CCEP | UPU CON | Fr. | Consultative Council on Postal Studies | |
C/CH. | LON OC | Fr. | Council Committee for China | |
CCI | UNCTAD CC | Fr. | International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/GATT) | |
CCI-IV | WMO CON | Commission on Climatology | ||
CCIF | ITU CON | Fr. | International Telephone Consultative Committee | |
CCIR | ITU CON | Fr. | International Radio Consultative Committee | |
CCIT | ITU OC | Fr. | International Telegraph Consultative Committee | |
ITU CON | Fr. | International Telegraph Consultative Committee | ||
CCITT | ITU CON | Fr. | International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee | |
CCOP/SOPAC | ESCAP OC | Eng. | Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas (ESCAP) | |
CCPOQ | UNG OC | Eng. | Consultative Committee on Programme and Operational Questions | |
CCPS | UPU | Eng. | Consultative Council on Postal Studies | |
CCSQ (OPS) | UNG OC | Eng. | Consultative Committee on Social Questions, Office of Personnel Services | |
CCTA | FAO CON | Commission for Technical Cooperation in Africa South of the Sahara (OAU) | ||
CCUNMEE | UN | Eng. | Canadian Contingent, UN Mission in Eritrea & Ethiopia (2000- ) | |
C.d.D. | ILO OC | Fr. | Chef de Division (Division Chief) | |
CD/DS | IMO DM | Eng. | Documents Section, ? | |
CEA | IAEA CON | Fr. | French Atomic Energy Commission | |
UN OC | Fr. | Economic Commission for Africa | ||
CEANS | ICAO CON | Eng. | Conference on the Economics of Airports & Air Navigation Services | |
CELADE | UN CC | Sp. | Latin American Demographic Center | |
CENTR. | LON OC | Fr. | Central Section | |
CEPAL | ECLA OC | Sp. | Economic Commission for Latin America (and the Caribbean) | |
ECLA CON | Sp. | Economic Commission for Latin America (and the Caribbean) | ||
CEPB | UNIDO CC | Sp. | Confederation of Private Businessmen of Bolivia | |
CER | ITU CON | Fr. | European Radio Conference | |
CESI | UNG OC | Eng. | Centre for Economic and Social Information | |
UNNY OC | Eng. | Centre for Economic and Social Information | ||
CGCS | UNEP OC | Eng. | Conferences and Governing Council Service | |
C.&GS. | WHO OC | Eng. | Conference and General Services | |
CHD | UN CC | Eng. | Chad | |
CHI | UN CC | Eng. | Chile | |
C.I. | LON OC | Fr. | Internal Control Service | |
CIARA II | UN CON | Fr. | 2nd International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa | |
CIC | - | Fr. | International Conference Centre, Geneva | |
UNG OC | Fr. | International Computing Centre | ||
CIEPS | UNESCO CON | Sp. | Integrated Centers of Public Educastion | |
C.I.J. | ICJ OC | Fr. | International Court of Justice | |
CILSS | UNDP/WMO CC | Fr. | Inter-State Standing Committee Against Desertification in the Sahel (West Africa) | |
CIME | UNG OC | Fr. | Intergovernmental Committee for European Migrations | |
CIN/FCCC | UN | Fr. | Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change | |
CINTERFOR | ILO | Sp. | Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training, Montevideo, Uruguay | |
CIOMS | WHO OC | Fr. | Council of International Medical Science Organizations | |
CIRAF | ITU CON | It. | International Conference on High Frequency Radio (1950) | |
CIRC | WHO CC | Fr. | International Agency for Research on Cancer | |
C.I.S. | ILO OC | Fr. | International Occupational Safety and Health Information Center | |
CITES | UN | Eng. | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora | |
CIVPOL | UN | Eng. | UN Civilian Police | |
CLM | UN | Port. | Center for Agriculture and the Environment | |
CMR | ICAO OC | Eng. | Cameroon | |
ILO OC | Eng. | Cameroon | ||
CMS | UN | Eng. | Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (1979-date) | |
CMSM | UN BC | Eng. | Commercial Management Service, Marketing Section | |
CNRRA | UNRRA OC | Eng. | Chinese National Relief & Rehabilitation Administration | |
CNUCED | UNCTAD CON | Fr. | UN Conference on Trade and Development | |
COB | UN OC | Eng | Congo-Brazzaville | |
COBI. | LON OC | Fr. | Intellectual Cooperation Section & International Bureau | |
COI | FAO OC | Eng | Comores | |
COL | ICAO OC | Eng. | Colombia | |
COL/D/SR | UNESCO OC | Eng. | Bureau of Conferences, Languages & Documents/Documents Div/Summary Records | |
COMPT. | LON OC | Fr. | Accounting Service | |
CONAPO | UN CON | Sp. | National Population Council of Mexico | |
CONF. | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference | |
CONF.1 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 1 | |
CONF.2 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 2 | |
CONF.3 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 3 | |
CONF.4 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 4 | |
CONF.5 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 5 | |
CONF.6 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 6 | |
CONF.7 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 7 | |
CONF.8 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 8 | |
CONF.9 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 9 | |
CONF.10 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 10 | |
CONF.11 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 11 | |
CONF.12 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 12 | |
CONF.16 | UNG OC | Fr. | Conference 16 | |
Conf. Div. | UNG OC | Eng. | Conference Division | |
CONMAT. | LON OC | Fr. | Contracts and Material Service | |
UNG OC | Fr. | Contracts and Material Service | ||
COORD. | UNG OC | Eng./Fr. | Coordination Section | |
COP | UNEP | Eng. | Conference of the Parties (Environmental Conventions) | |
COP6 | UN | Eng. | Sixth Session of the Convention of the Parties to UNCCD | |
COP15 | UN | Eng | 15th Session of the UN Climate Change Convention | |
C&OS | WHO OC | Eng. | Conference and Organization Services | |
COU/M | UNESCO OC | Fr. | UNESCO Courier (Journal)/Marketing Unit | |
C.P.J.I. | PCIJ OC | Fr. | Permanent Court of International Justice | |
CPR | ICAO OC | Eng. | China Peoples Republic | |
CPU | UPU CON | Sp. | Postal Union Congress (Buenos Aires-1939) | |
CPX | UNESCO OC | Eng. | Cooperation for Development & External Relations Sector | |
CRIC | UN | Eng. | Convention for Review of UNCCD | |
CSDHA | UN BC | Eng. | Centre for Social Development & Humanitarian Affairs | |
CTC | UNNY OC | Eng. | Centre on Transnational Corporations | |
CTP | ITU CON | Fr. | Technical Plan Commission | |
UNCHS OC | Fr. | Principal Technical Counsellor | ||
CYTRA | UPU CON | Sp. | Post and Telegraph - Republic of Argentina |
*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to
bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14