U.N. Abbreviations - U

Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-

Where used: UNNY-UN New York OC-Origin Cachet Language: Eng.-English Gr.-German
UNG-UN Geneva BC-Bar Code Fr.-French Sp.-Spanish
CC-Corner Card RM-Receiving Mark It.-Italian Por.-Portugese
DM-Dispatching Mark UNV-UN Vienna Sw.-Swedish
LON-League of Nations FF-Free Frank
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc.

Abbreviation Where Used Language Meaning Image
UGAUN OC Eng. Uganda 
UIPUNICEF CON Fr. Inter-Parliamentary Union 
UITITU CON Fr. International Telecommunications Union 
 ITU RM Fr. International Telecommunications Union 
 ITU OC Fr. International Telecommunications Union 
UMPIBRD OC Eng. Urban Management Programme 
UNUN OC Eng. United Nations 
UNABUN CC Eng. UN Austrian Battalion, UNFICYP 
UNACUN Eng. UN Appeal for Children 
UNACSUN Eng. UN Advisory Council in Somaliland (1950-60) 
UNAFEIUN OC Eng. UN Asia & Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (Tokyo) 
UNAMETUN Eng. UN Mission in East Timor (1999- ) 
UNAMAUN OC Eng. UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (2002- ) 
UNAMIUN Eng. UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (2003- ) 
UNAMICUN BC Eng. UN Advance Mission in Cambodia (1991-92) 
UNAMIRUN Eng. UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda (1993-96) 
UNAMSILUN Eng. UN Assistance Mission in Sierra Leone (1999- ) 
UNARDLUN BC Eng. UN Assistance for the Reconstruction & Development of Lebanon 
UNARDOLUN Eng. UN Assistance for the Reconstruction & Development of Lebanon 
UNASOGUN Eng. UN Aouzou Strip Observer Group (May-June 1994) 
UNA-USAUN CC Eng. UN Association of the USA, Inc. (NGO) 
UNAVEM IUN Eng. UN Angola Verification Mission I (1988-91) 
UNAVEM IIUN Eng. UN Angola Verification Mission II (1991-95) 
UNAVEM IIIUN Eng. UN Angola Verification Mission III (1995- date) 
UNCCDUN Eng. UN Convention to Combat Desertification 
UNCCPUN Eng. UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine (1948-54) 
UNCEDUNG OC Eng. UN Conference on Environment and Development, Secretariat (1992) 
 UNNY OC Eng. UN Conference on Environment and Development, Secretariat (1993) 
UNCHSUN OC Eng. UN Commission on Human Settlements 
UNCIUN Eng. UN Commission for Indonesia (1948-51) 
UNCIOUN Eng. UN Conference on International Organization (1945) 
UNCIPUN Eng. UN Commission for India & Pakistan (1948-49) 
UNICITRALUN Eng. UN Commission on International Trade Law (1966-date) 
UNCIVPOLUN Eng. UN Civilian Police 
UNCLOSIIIUN CON Eng. 3rd UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (1982) 
UNCLSUN CON Eng. 3rd UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (1982) 
UNCNUN BC Eng. UN Council for Namibia 
UNCOKUN Eng. UN Commission on Korea (1948-50) 
UNCORSUN Eng. UN Commission on Racial Situation in South Africa (1952-55) 
UNCRDUN CC Eng. UN Centre for Regional Development 
UNCROUN Eng. UN Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia (1995-96) 
UNCSATUN CON Eng. UN Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of Less Developed Areas (1963) 
UNCSTDUN BC Eng. UN Centre on Science and Technology for Development 
 UN CON Eng. UN Conference on Science & Technology for Development (1979) 
UNCTADUNG OC Eng. UN Conference on Trade and Development 
 UN BC Eng. UN Conference on Trade and Development 
UNCTAD IIIUN CON Eng. 3rd UN Conference on Trade and Development (1972) 
UNCTAD IVUN CON Eng. 4th UN Conference on Trade and Development (1976) 
UNCTAD VUN CON Eng. 5th UN Conference on Trade and Development (1979) 
UNCTAD VIUN CON Eng 6th UN Conference on Trade and Development (1983) 
UNCTAD IXUN CON Eng. 9th UN Conference on Trade and Development (1996) 
UNCTAD XUN CON Eng. 10th UN Conference on Trade and Development (2000) 
UNCTAD/CIN/UNG OC Eng./Fr. UNCTAD, Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change 
UNCTAD/COMUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Commodities Division 
UNCTAD/DDMUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Data for Decision Making 
UNCTAD/DITCUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Division on International Trade in Goods, Services & Commodities 
UNCTAD/EDM/SGOUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Executive Direction & Management, Secretary-General's Office 
UNCTAD/ESUUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Enterprise Support Unit 
UNCTAD/ISS Eng. UNCTAD, Intergovernmental Support Service 
UNCTAD/LDCUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Office of the Special Coordinator for Least Developed, Land-locked and Island Developing Countries 
UNCTAD/NGLSUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Non-Governmental Liaison Service 
UNCTAD/PDCUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Policy Development & Communication Service 
UNCTAD/PSMS/ADMUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Div. for Programme Support & Management Services, Administrative Section 
UNCTAD/SGO/CFUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD. Secretary-General�s Office, Carlos Fortin (Deputy Secretary-General) 
UNCTAD/SHIPUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Shipping Division 
UNCTAD/SPTEUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Special Programme for Trade Efficiency 
UNCTAD/S&T DivisionUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Science and Technology Division 
UNCTAD/TCMISUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Trade Control Measures Information System 
UNCTAD/TCPCUNG OC Eng. UNCTAD, Technical Cooperation Programme Centre 
UNCTCUN BC Eng. UN Centre on Transnational Corporations 
UNCURKUN Eng. UN Commission for the Unification & Rehabilitation of Korea (1950-74) 
UNDCUN Eng. UN Disarmament Commission (1952-date) 
UNDCPUN CC Eng. UN International Drug Control Programme (1991-date) 
UNDOFUN Eng. UN Disengagement Observer Force (Golan Heights)(1974-date) 
 UN BC Eng. UN Disengagement Observer Force (Golan Heights)(1974-date) 
UNDPUNG OC Eng. UN Development Programme (1966-date) 
 UN BC Eng. UN Development Programme 
UNDP/BFAS/ASDUNNY OC Eng. UNDP Bureau for Financial & Administrative Services, Administrative Services Division 
UNDPCAP/21UN BC Eng. UNDP Capacity 21 
UNDPCDFUN BC Eng. UNDP Capital Development Fund 
UNDPDOIUN BC Eng. UNDP Div. of Information 
UNDPFOUN BC Eng. UNDP Field Office 
UNDP/FOUN BC Eng. UNDP Field Office 
UNDP/HDROUN BC Eng. UNDP Human Development Records Office 
UNDP/IAPSOUN BC Eng. UNDP Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office 
UNDP/IAPSUUN BC Eng. UNDP Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office 
UNDPIAPSUUN BC Eng. UNDP Inter-Agency Procurement Service Unit 
UNDPKOUN Eng. UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations 
UNDPOPEUN BC Eng. UNDP Office for Projects Execution 
UNDPRFNREUN BC Eng. UNDP Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration 
UNDP/UNIFEMUN BC Eng. UNDP UN Development Fund for Women 
UNDPUNSOUN BC Eng. UNDP Sahelian Office 
UNDROUNG OC Eng. Office of the UN Disaster Relief Coordinator 
 UNNY OC Eng. Office of the UN Disaster Relief Coordinator 
 UN BC Eng. Office of the UN Disaster Relief Coordinator 
UNDTCDUN OC Eng. UN Dept. of Technical Cooperation for Development 
UNECUN RM/DM Eng. UN Evacuation Camp, Guinan, Philippines (1949-51) 
UNEFUN  UN Emergency Force (1956-67 or 1973-67) 
UNEF IUN Eng. First UN Emergency Force (1956-1967) 
UNEF IIUN Eng. Second UN Emergency Force (1973-79) 
UNEOUN Eng. UN European Office at Geneva 
UNEPUNG OC Eng. UN Environment Programme (1972-date) 
 UN BC Eng. UN Environment Programme 
UNEP/CMSUNEP OC Eng. UNEP Secretariat of the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals 
UNEP/ISBCUNG OC Eng. UNEP Interim Secretariat of the Basel Convention for the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes & Their Disposal 
UNEP/IUCCUNG OC Eng. UNEP, Information Unit on Climate Change 
UNEP/RONAUNNY OC Eng. UNEP Regional Office for North America 
UNEP/SBCUNG OC Eng. UNEP Secretariat of the Basel Convention for the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes & Their Disposal 
UNERGUN CON Eng. UN Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (1981) 
UNESCOUNESCO CON Eng. UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 
 UNESCO OC Eng. UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 
 UN BC Eng. UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 
 UNNY OC Eng. UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 
UNESOBUN Eng. UN Economic and Social Office in Beirut (1963-73) 
UNEVOCUNESCO Eng. UNESCO International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education & Training, Bonn, Germany 
UNFCCC/COP3UN CON Eng. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, 3rd Conference of the Parties 
UNFDACUNG OC Eng. UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control 
 UNV OC Eng. UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control 
 UN BC Eng. UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control 
 UN CC Eng. UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control 
U.N.-F.G.UN FF Eng. UN � Unknown (Fiji) 
UNFICYPUN BC Eng. UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (1964-date) 
UNFPAUNG OC Eng. UN Fund for Population Activities (1969-1987), UN Population Fund (1987-date) 
 UNNY OC Eng. UN Fund for Population Activities (1969-1987), UN Population Fund (1987-date) 
UNGCIUN Eng. UN Guard Contingent in Iraq (1991-date) 
UNGOCUN Eng. UN Good Offices Committee (for Netherlands East Indies) (1947-49) 
UNGOMAPUN Eng. UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan (1988-90) 
UNHCRUNG OC Eng. UN High Commissioner for Refugees 
 UN BC Eng. UN High Commissioner for Refugees 
UNICUN OC Eng. UN Information Centre 
UNICEFUNG OC Eng. UN Children's Fund 
 UN BC Eng. UN Children's Fund 
 UNNY OC Eng. UN Children's Fund 
UNICEF DEV/EDUNG OC Eng. UNICEF Development and Education Centre 
UNICEF EAPROUNICEF OC Eng. UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office 
UNICEFGUN BC Eng. UNICEF Greeting Card Operation 
UNICEF G.C.O.UNICEF OC Eng. UNICEF Greeting Card Operation 
UNICEF-IDUNG OC Eng. UNICEF Internal Division 
UNCRDUN CC Eng. UN Centre for Regional Development 
UNICRIUN OC Eng. UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, Rome (1968-date) 
UNIDIRUNG OC Eng. UN Institute for Disarmament Research (1980-date) 
UNIDI/VIE*UN BC Eng. UN Industrial Development Organization, Vienna
*Misspelled-should be UNIDO/VIE 
UNIDOUNIDO OC Eng. UN Industrial Development Organization (1966-date) 
 UN BC Eng. UN Industrial Development Organization 
 UNIDO CON Eng. UN Industrial Development Organization 
UNIDO/IPSUN BC Eng. UNIDO Investment Promotion Service 
UNIFEMUN CC Eng. UN Development Fund for Women (1984-date) 
 UNNY OC Eng. UN Development Fund for Women (1984-date) 
UNIFILUNNY OC Eng. UN Interim Force in Lebanon (1978-date) 
 UN BC Eng. UN Interim Force in Lebanon 
UNIFIL IIUN OC Eng. UN Interim Force in Lebanon- II 
UNIIMOGUN Eng. UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group (1988-91) 
UNIKOMUN Eng. UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (1991-date) 
UNILOGUN CC Eng. UN Logistical Operation, Pakistan 
UNIMISETUN Eng. UN Mission of Support in East Timor (2002- ) 
UNINUN BC Eng. UN Institute for Namibia 
UNIPOMUN Eng. UN India-Pakistan Observation Mission (1965-66) 
UNISUN Eng UN International School 
UNISPACE 82UN CON Eng. 2nd UN Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (1982) 
UNISPACE IIIUN CON Eng, 3rd UN Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (1999) 
UNISVIEUN BC Eng. UN Information Service, Vienna 
UNIT-I(T)UN OC Eng. UN Inspection Team in Iran-Teheran 
UNITARUNG OC Eng. UN Institute for Training and Research (1963-date) 
 UNNY OC Eng. UN Institute for Training and Research 
 UN BC Eng. UN Institute for Training and Research 
UNJSPFUNNY OC Eng. UN Joint Staff Pension Fund 
 UN BC Eng. UN Joint Staff Pension Fund 
UNKRAUNNY OC Eng. UN Korean Reconstruction Agency 
UNLB-BUN Eng. UN Logistics Base, Brindisi (Italy) 
UNMASUN Eng. UN Mine Action Service (1997-date) 
UNMEEUN Eng. UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (2000- ) 
UNMEMUN Eng. UN Middle East Mission (1967-76) 
UNMIBHUN Eng. UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Dec.1995-date) 
UNMIHUN Eng. UN Mission in Haiti (1993-96) 
UNMIKUN Eng. UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (1999- ) 
UNMILUN Eng. UN Mission in Liberia (2003- ) 
UNMISETUN Eng. UN Mission of Support in East Timor (2002- ) 
UNMLOYUN Eng. UN Military Liaison Office in Yugoslovia (1992 - ) 
UNMOGUN Eng. UN Military Observers in Greece (1952) 
UNMOGIPUN BC Eng. UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (1949-date) 
UNMOPUN Eng. UN Mission of Observers in Previaka (Jan 1996-date) 
UNMOTUN Eng. UN Mission of Observers Tajikistan (Dec.1994- ) 
UNMOVICUN Eng. UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission 
UNOUN CON Eng. United Nations Organization 
 ICAO OC Eng. United Nations Organization 
UNOAUN Eng. UN Office in Angola 
UNOCHAUN Eng. Office of the Co-ordinator of the UN Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan 
UNOCIUN Eng. UN Operation in Cote d�Ivorie (2004- ) 
UNOGUN BC Eng. UN Office at Geneva 
UNOGILUN Eng. UN Observation Group in Lebanon (1958) 
UNOHCIUN Eng. UN Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq 
UNOMBUN CC Eng. UN Observer Mission in Bougainville (2000- ) 
UNOMIGUN Eng. UN Observer Mission in Georgia (1993-date) 
UNOMILUN Eng. UN Observer Mission in Liberia (1993-date) 
UNOMSAUN Eng. UN Observer Mission in South Africa 
UNOMURUN Eng. UN Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda (1993-94) 
UNOPSUN CC Eng. UN Office for Project Services (1995-date) 
UNOSGIUN CC Eng. UN Office of the Secretary General in Iran 
UNOSOM IUN Eng. UN Operations in Somalia I (1992-93) 
UNOSOM IIUN Eng. UN Operations in Somalia II (1993-95) 
UNOTILUN Eng UN Office in Timor-Leste (2005- ) 
UNOVUN BC Eng. UN Office at Vienna 
UNOWAUN Eng. UN Office for West Africa, Dakar, Senegal 
UNPAUNNY OC Eng. UN Postal Administration 
 UN BC Eng. UN Postal Administration 
UNPACUN Eng. UN Palestine Commission (1948) 
UNPFUN CC Eng. UN Peacekeeping Force 
UNPREDEPUN Eng. UN Preventative Deployment Force (Macedonia) (Mar.1995- ) 
UNPROFORUN Eng. UN Protection Force (Yugoslavia) (1992-95) 
UNPSGUN Eng. UN Civilian Police Support Group, Croatia-Danube Region (1998) 
UN RECRUIT.UNG OC Eng. UN Recruiting Section 
UNRFNREUN OC Eng. UN Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Development 
UNRIPUN Eng. UN Representative for India and Pakistan (1968) 
UNRISDUN Eng. UN Research Institute for Social Development (1963-date) 
UNROBUN Eng. UN Relief Office in Bangladesh (1971-73) 
UNRODUN Eng. UN Relief Operations-Dacca, Bangladesh (1971-73) 
UNR PRUNG OC Eng. UN Relief for Palestine Refugees 
UNRRAUNRRA OC Eng. UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 
 UNRRA CON Eng. UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 
UNRWAUNG OC Eng. UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (1949-date) 
 UNNY OC Eng. UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (1949-date) 
 UNV OC Eng. UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (1949-date) 
 UN BC Eng. UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (1949-date) 
UNRWAPRUN OC Eng. UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (1949-date) 
UNRWIUN Eng. UN Representative in West Irian (1968-69) 
UN/SA REF DeskUNNY OC Eng United Nations and Specialized Agency Reference Desk 
UNSCEARUN BC Eng. UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (1955-date) 
 UN CC Eng. UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (1955-date) 
UNSCOUN Eng. UN Suez Canal Clearance Operations (1956-57) 
UNSCOBUN OC Eng. UN Special Committee on the Balkans (1947-51) 
UNSCOMUN Eng. UN Special Commission on Iraq Weapons (1991-date) 
UNSCOPUN Eng. UN Special Committee on Palestine (1947) 
UNSDIPUN BC Eng. UN Supply Depot in Pisa 
UNSDRIUN Eng. UN Social Defense Research Institute 
UNSFUN Eng. UN Security Force in West New Guinea (1962-63) 
UNSMAUN Eng. UN Special Mission to Afghanistan (1993-date) 
UNSMIHUN Eng. UN Support Mission in Haiti (1996-97) 
UNSOUN CC Eng. UN Sudano-Sahelian Office 
UNSWSUN CON Eng. UN Social Welfare Seminar (Damascus, Syria, 1952) 
UNTABUN FF Eng. UN Technical Assistance Board 
 UN RM/DM Eng. UN Technical Assistance Board 
UNTACUN BC Eng. UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (1992-93) 
UNTACDAUN OC Eng. UN Transport & Communications Decade for Africa 
UNTAESUN Eng. UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium (Jan 1996-1998) 
UNTAETUN Eng. UN Transitional Administration in East Timor 
UNTAGUN Eng. UN Transition Assistance Group (for Namibia) (1989-90) 
UNTCOKUN Eng. UN Temporary Commission on Korea (1947-48) 
UNTEAUN Eng. UN Temporary Executive Authority in West Irian (1962-3) 
UNTOPUN RM/DM Eng. UN Tajikistan Office of Peace-Building 
UNTSOUN OC Eng. UN Truce Supervision Organization for Palestine (1948-date) 
UNTSOPUN OC Eng. UN Truce Supervision Organization for Palestine (1948-date) 
UNUUN BC Eng. UN University (1972-date) 
 UN CC Eng. UN University (1972-date) 
UNVUNG OC Eng. UN Volunteers (1970-date) 
UNV-DDSUN CC Eng. UNV Domestic Development Service 
UNWGUNV OC Eng. UN Womens' Guild of Vienna 
UNWTOUNWTO Eng. World Tourism Organization (1974- ), Specialized Agency of UN since 2003 
UNYOMUN Eng. UN Yemen Observation Mission (1963-4) 
UNZAPUN Eng. UN Zambia Assistance Programme 
UPAEUPU CON Sp. Postal Union of the Americas and Spain 
UPOUNESCO OC Eng. UNESCO Publishing Office 
UPP/D-PROMOUNESCO OC Eng. Office for Publications & Periodicals, Documents Section, Promotions 
UPP/VentesUNESCO OC Fr. Office for Publications & Periodicals, Sales Section 
UPUUPU OC Fr., Eng. Universal Postal Union 
 UPU CON Fr., Eng. Universal Postal Union 
UPVUNIDO OC Eng Upper Volta (Now Burkina Faso) 
URTICAO OC Eng. United Republic of Tanzania 
USGSPAUN BC Eng. Under-Secretaries-General of Special Political Affairs 
USNUNEF CC Eng. United States Navy 
USPGAAUN BC Eng. Under-Secretary General for Political & General Assembly Affairs 
USSECS*UN BC Eng. Office for Secretariat Services for Economic & Social Matters * Misspelled- should be OSSECS 
UTFFAO CC Eng. Unilateral Trust Funds 
UTFNFAO Eng. Unilateral Trust Fund Network ?? 

*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14