U.N. Abbreviations - D

Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-

Where used: UNNY-UN New York OC-Origin Cachet Language: Eng.-English Gr.-German
UNG-UN Geneva BC-Bar Code Fr.-French Sp.-Spanish
CC-Corner Card RM-Receiving Mark It.-Italian Por.-Portugese
DM-Dispatching Mark UNV-UN Vienna Sw.-Swedish
LON-League of Nations FF-Free Frank
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc.

Abbreviation Where Used Language Meaning Image
DAM/OGSUN BC Eng. Dept. of Administration & Management, Office of General Services 
DCSUN BC Eng. Dept. of Conference Services 
DCTCUN CC Fr. Dept. of Technical Cooperation for Development 
DDAUN BC Eng. Dept. for Disarmament Affairs 
DDESUNDP CC Fr. Dept. of Economic & Social Development 
DDGWHO OC Eng. Deputy Director-General 
DDG-ADIAEA REC Eng. Deputy Director-General, Administration 
DDMSUN BC Eng. Dept. for Development & Management Services 
DDSMSUNG OC Eng. Dept. for Development Support & Management Services 
 UN BC Eng. Dept.for Development Support & Management Services 
DDSUN CC Eng. Domestic Development Services, UN Volunteers 
DENFAO OC Eng. Denmark 
DEPSDUN Eng. Div. Of Economic Policy and Social Development 
DEPT. ILON OC Fr. Department 1, General Affairs 
DEPT. IILON OC Fr. Department 2, Economic, Financial, & Transit 
DEPT.IIILON OC Fr. Department 3, Health, Opium, Social & Cultural Questions 
DERUNNY OC Eng. Division for External Relations, UNDP 
DESARM.LON OC Fr. Disarmament Section 
 UNG OC Fr. Conference on Disarmament 
DESCASSUN BC Eng. Unidentified 
DESDUNG OC Eng. Dept. for Economic & Social Development 
 UN BC Eng. Dept. for Economic & Social Development 
DESIUNG OC Eng. Division of Economic and Social Information 
 UNNY OC Eng. Division of Economic and Social Information 
DESIPAUN BC Eng. Dept. for Economic and Social Information & Policy Analysis 
DGWHO OC Eng. Director-General 
DGCAICAO CON Eng. Directors General of Civil Aviation 
DGOWHO OC Eng. Office of Director-General 
DHAUNG OC Eng. Dept. of Humanitarian Affairs 
DIECUN BC Eng. Development and International Economic Cooperation 
DIESAUNNY OC Eng. Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs 
 UN BC Eng. Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs 
DIR.UNG OC Fr. Office of Director-General 
DIR.GEN.UNG OC Fr. Office of Director-General 
 UNV OC Eng. Office of Director-General 
Dir. INFWHO OC Eng. Director, Division of Public Information 
DISLON OC Fr. Distribution Service 
DISTR.LON OC Fr. Distribution Service 
 UNG OC Fr. Distribution Section 
DIV.PERS.UNG OC Fr. Personnel Division 
DMIFAO CC Eng. Dominica 
DNDUNV OC Eng. Division of Narcotic Drugs 
DND/CERISUNV OC Eng. Division of Narcotic Drugs, ?? 
DOMREPUN Eng. Mission of the Representative of the Secretary-General in the Dominican Republic (1965-66) 
DOP/RSDSUNNY OC Eng. UNICEF Dept. of Personnel, ?? 
DPUNIDO OC Eng. Development Project 
DPAUN BC Eng. Dept. of Political Affairs 
DPA/PALUNNY OC Eng. Dept. of Political Affairs, Division for Palestinian Rights Sector 
DPA/PAL/NGOUNNY OC Eng. Dept. of Political Affairs, Division for Palestinian Rights Sector, Non-Governmental Affairs 
DPCCSDUNNY BC Eng. ????? Commission on Sustainable Development 
DPCSDUN OC Eng. Dept. of Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development 
DPFPAUN BC Eng. UNDP, UN Fund for Population Activities 
DPIUNNY OC Eng. Dept. of Public Information 
 UN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information 
DPI/DESIUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, Div. for Economic & Social Information 
DPI/EOUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, Executive Office 
DPI/ERUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, External Relations 
DPI/ERDUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, External Relations Div. 
DPI/ICDUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, 
DPI/IDS/DDUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information 
DPI/ISS/DUUNNY OC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, Information Support Section, Dissemination Unit 
DPI/ISS/IDSUNNY OC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, Information Support Section, Information Dissemination Service 
DPI/PRESSPUBUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, Press & Publication Div. 
DPI/PRESS/PUBUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, Press & Publication Div. 
DPI/RADIOUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, Radio Div. 
DPI/TVUN BC Eng. Dept. of Public Information, Television Div. 
DRGMUN CC Fr. Direction of Geological and Mining Research, Chad 
DRKICAO OC Eng. Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea) 
DRMOICAO RM Eng. Document Receiving & Mailing Office ?? 
DSWHO OC Eng. Documents Section 
DSCUN BC Eng. Unidentified 
DS/CDIMO DM Eng. Documents Section, ? 
DTCDUN OC Eng. Dept. of Technical Cooperation for Development 
DTCPUNDP CC Eng. Development Training & Communication Planning 
DUPLON OC Fr. Duplication Service 

*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14