U.N. Abbreviations - N

Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-

Where used: UNNY-UN New York OC-Origin Cachet Language: Eng.-English Gr.-German
UNG-UN Geneva BC-Bar Code Fr.-French Sp.-Spanish
CC-Corner Card RM-Receiving Mark It.-Italian Por.-Portugese
DM-Dispatching Mark UNV-UN Vienna Sw.-Swedish
LON-League of Nations FF-Free Frank
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc.

Abbreviation Where Used Language Meaning Image
NACAFAO CC Eng. Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia 
NAFICSWHO OC Eng Nordic Association of Former International Civil Servants 
NAMIBIAUN BC Eng. Office of UN Commissioner for Namibia 
NARCUN BC Eng. Div. of Narcotic Drugs 
NEPICAO OC Eng. Nepal 
NGLSUNG OC Eng. Non-Governmental Liaison Service 
 UNNY OC Eng. Non-Governmental Liaison Service 
NGOUNG OC Eng. Non-Governmental Organizations Section 
 UNNY OC Eng. Non-Governmental Organizations 
NHSCPUN CON Eng. National Household Survey Capability Programme 
NICFAO CC Eng. Nicaragua 
NORILO CC Eng. Norway 
NUUN CC Sp. United Nations 

*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14