U.N. Abbreviations - W

Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-

Where used: UNNY-UN New York OC-Origin Cachet Language: Eng.-English Gr.-German
UNG-UN Geneva BC-Bar Code Fr.-French Sp.-Spanish
CC-Corner Card RM-Receiving Mark It.-Italian Por.-Portugese
DM-Dispatching Mark UNV-UN Vienna Sw.-Swedish
LON-League of Nations FF-Free Frank
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc.

Abbreviation Where Used Language Meaning Image
WBATIBRD OC Eng. World Bank Administrative Tribunal 
WCCC 2003UNEP CON Eng. World Climate Change Conference, Moscow, 2003 
WCDWUN BC Eng. World Conference of the UN Decade for Women (1980) 
WCOTPUN-Related Meter Eng. World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession 
WCWUNNY OC Eng. World Conference on Women (4th, 1995, Beijing, China) 
WFCWFC Eng. World Food Council 
 UN BC Eng. World Food Council 
WFPWFP OC Eng. World Food Programme 
WFUNAUNG OC Eng. World Federation of UN Associations (NGO) 
 UNNY OC Eng. World Federation of UN Associations (NGO) 
 UNV OC Eng. World Federation of UN Associations (NGO) 
WHAWHO CON Eng. World Health Assembly 
WHOUN BC Eng. World Health Organization 
 WHO CON Eng. World Health Organization 
 WHO RM Eng. World Health Organization 
WIPOUN BC Eng. World Intellectual Property Organization 
WMOUN BC Eng. World Meteorological Organization 
 WMO OC Eng. World Meteorological Organization 
WMO/TAUWMO OC Eng. WMO Technical Assistance Unit 
WMO/TCWMO OC Eng. WMO Technical Cooperation Dept. 
WPCUN CON Eng. World Population Conference (1965) 
WPKUPU CON Gr. Universal Postal Congress 
WPRWHO CON Eng. Western Pacific Region 
WPUUPU CON Gr. Universal Postal Union 
WRYUNG OC Eng. World Refugee Year Secretariat 
WSSDUN Eng. World Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen, Mar.1995 
WTOUNWTO CC Eng. World Tourism Organization (1974- ) 
 WTO OC Eng. World Trade Organization (1995- ) 
 WTO CON Eng. World Trade Organization (1995- ) 

*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14