U.N. Abbreviations - S

Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-

Where used: UNNY-UN New York OC-Origin Cachet Language: Eng.-English Gr.-German
UNG-UN Geneva BC-Bar Code Fr.-French Sp.-Spanish
CC-Corner Card RM-Receiving Mark It.-Italian Por.-Portugese
DM-Dispatching Mark UNV-UN Vienna Sw.-Swedish
LON-League of Nations FF-Free Frank
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc.

Abbreviation Where Used Language Meaning Image
SATEUNG OC Fr. Purchasing, Transport and Utilization Service 
SATSIUNG OC Fr. Purchasing, Transport, and Internal Section 
SBEUNG OC Fr. Buildings and Engineering Section 
S&DWIPO OC Eng. Special & Differential Treatment for Developing Countries 
SDNLON Fr. League of Nations 
SDOC.LON OC Fr. Documents Service 
SEAAOUNICEF OC Eng. ?? (Zambia) 
SEARWHO OC Eng. South-East Asia Region 
SEAROWHO Meter Eng. South-East Asia Regional Office 
 WHO CON Eng. South-East Asia Regional Office 
SEEUN CON  Unidentified, UN Conference on Trade & Employment, Havana, Cuba, 1947-48 
SENUN OC Eng Senegal 
SERV.PERS.UNG OC Fr. Personnel Service 
SFUNESCO OC Eng. Subscription Files (Library) 
 UNDP OC Eng. UN Special Fund 
 ILO OC Eng UN Special Fund 
S.G.LON OC Fr. Secretary General 
 UNG OC Fr. Management Service 
SGA.LON OC Fr. Assistant Secretary General 
SGA ADM.LON OC Fr. Assistant Secretary General for Administration 
SGA COBILON OC Fr. Asst. Sec.Gen. in charge of Intell.Coop. & Intl Bureau Section 
SGRFUNG OC Fr. Financial Resources Management Service 
SI.LON OC Fr. Internal Service 
 UNG OC Fr. Internal Service 
SIATUNG OC Fr. Internal Service for Purchasing and Transport 
SI-BC.LON OC Fr. Internal Service, ? 
SIDAILO OC Eng. Swedish International Development Authority 
SIDSUN CON Eng. Small Island Developing States, Global Conf of, Barbados, Apr-May 1994 
S.M.LON OC Fr. Medical Service 
SOC.LON OC Fr. Social Questions Section 
 UNG OC Fr. Social Questions Section 
SOCWELUNG OC Eng. Social Welfare Section 
SOMICAO OC Eng. Somalia 
SPATUWIPO CON Serbian Association of Inventors & Promoters of Technical Progress 
SPCUN CON Sp. Unidentified, UN Conference on Trade & Employment, Havana, Cuba, 1947-48 
SPIDUNESCO OC Eng. Dept. of Scientific Policy and Information 
SPQUN BC Eng. Dept. for Special Political Questions 
SPSGLSUN BC Eng. Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for the Law of the Sea 
SRLILO OC Eng. Sri Lanka 
S.S.G.LON OC Fr. Under Secretary General 
SSG POL.LON OC Fr. Under Secretary General in charge of Political Section 
ST.COMM.UNG OC Eng. FICSA Staff Committee ?? 
STENO.LON OC Fr. Central Stenographic Service 
 UNG OC Fr. Stenographic Service 
STUP.UNG OC Fr. Narcotics Division (Stupefiants) 
SUDFAO CC Eng. Sudan 
SUPWHO OC Eng. Supply Section 
SUP/GSPWHO OC Eng. Supply Services/General Services Procurement 
SWCCWMO CON Eng. Second World Climate Conference, Geneva, 1990 

*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14