U.N. Abbreviations - S
Abbreviations and Acronyms used on Origin Cachets, Bar Codes, Conference Cancels and Cachets, etc.-
Where used: | UNNY-UN New York | OC-Origin Cachet | Language: | Eng.-English | Gr.-German |
UNG-UN Geneva | BC-Bar Code | Fr.-French | Sp.-Spanish | ||
CC-Corner Card | RM-Receiving Mark | It.-Italian | Por.-Portugese | ||
DM-Dispatching Mark | UNV-UN Vienna | Sw.-Swedish | |||
LON-League of Nations | FF-Free Frank | ||||
CON-Conference Cancel or Cachet, etc. |
Abbreviation | Where Used | Language | Meaning | Image |
SATE | UNG OC | Fr. | Purchasing, Transport and Utilization Service | |
SATSI | UNG OC | Fr. | Purchasing, Transport, and Internal Section | |
SBE | UNG OC | Fr. | Buildings and Engineering Section | |
S&D | WIPO OC | Eng. | Special & Differential Treatment for Developing Countries | |
SDN | LON | Fr. | League of Nations | |
SDOC. | LON OC | Fr. | Documents Service | |
SEAAO | UNICEF OC | Eng. | ?? (Zambia) | |
SEAR | WHO OC | Eng. | South-East Asia Region | |
SEARO | WHO Meter | Eng. | South-East Asia Regional Office | |
WHO CON | Eng. | South-East Asia Regional Office | ||
SEE | UN CON | Unidentified, UN Conference on Trade & Employment, Havana, Cuba, 1947-48 | ||
SEN | UN OC | Eng | Senegal | |
SERV.PERS. | UNG OC | Fr. | Personnel Service | |
SF | UNESCO OC | Eng. | Subscription Files (Library) | |
UNDP OC | Eng. | UN Special Fund | ||
ILO OC | Eng | UN Special Fund | ||
S.G. | LON OC | Fr. | Secretary General | |
UNG OC | Fr. | Management Service | ||
SGA. | LON OC | Fr. | Assistant Secretary General | |
SGA ADM. | LON OC | Fr. | Assistant Secretary General for Administration | |
SGA COBI | LON OC | Fr. | Asst. Sec.Gen. in charge of Intell.Coop. & Intl Bureau Section | |
SGRF | UNG OC | Fr. | Financial Resources Management Service | |
SI. | LON OC | Fr. | Internal Service | |
UNG OC | Fr. | Internal Service | ||
SIAT | UNG OC | Fr. | Internal Service for Purchasing and Transport | |
SI-BC. | LON OC | Fr. | Internal Service, ? | |
SIDA | ILO OC | Eng. | Swedish International Development Authority | |
SIDS | UN CON | Eng. | Small Island Developing States, Global Conf of, Barbados, Apr-May 1994 | |
S.M. | LON OC | Fr. | Medical Service | |
SOC. | LON OC | Fr. | Social Questions Section | |
UNG OC | Fr. | Social Questions Section | ||
SOCWEL | UNG OC | Eng. | Social Welfare Section | |
SOM | ICAO OC | Eng. | Somalia | |
SPATU | WIPO CON | Serbian | Association of Inventors & Promoters of Technical Progress | |
SPC | UN CON | Sp. | Unidentified, UN Conference on Trade & Employment, Havana, Cuba, 1947-48 | |
SPID | UNESCO OC | Eng. | Dept. of Scientific Policy and Information | |
SPQ | UN BC | Eng. | Dept. for Special Political Questions | |
SPSGLS | UN BC | Eng. | Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for the Law of the Sea | |
SRL | ILO OC | Eng. | Sri Lanka | |
S.S.G. | LON OC | Fr. | Under Secretary General | |
SSG POL. | LON OC | Fr. | Under Secretary General in charge of Political Section | |
ST.COMM. | UNG OC | Eng. | FICSA Staff Committee ?? | |
STENO. | LON OC | Fr. | Central Stenographic Service | |
UNG OC | Fr. | Stenographic Service | ||
STUP. | UNG OC | Fr. | Narcotics Division (Stupefiants) | |
SUD | FAO CC | Eng. | Sudan | |
SUP | WHO OC | Eng. | Supply Section | |
SUP/GSP | WHO OC | Eng. | Supply Services/General Services Procurement | |
SWCC | WMO CON | Eng. | Second World Climate Conference, Geneva, 1990 |
*Maintained by B. Clement. Additions, Corrections, or Questions should be directed to
bclemjunior@gmail.com Revised 9/17/14